In principle, passing your driving test makes a driver just as qualified as any other to take a car out on the road. Of course, it is also the case that younger drivers face higher premiums on their car insurance as they are considered to be at a greater risk of being involved in an accident. However, recent research has suggested that it is not actually the age of the driver that is important, but their level of experience.
The study, by IAM Roadsmart, showed that newly qualified drivers who are younger show no difference in accident rates against older newly qualified drivers. This indicates that it is actually the driving experience that makes the difference in accident reduction.
This is especially noticeable because of the high rates of night-time driving accidents amongst less experienced drivers. There is currently no requirement for learners to take lessons at night but perhaps this is something that should now be considered as it can make a huge difference to a new driver’s safety on the road. These lessons could come in the form of standard sessions or intensive driving courses. If you are interested in having night driving lessons, don’t hesitate to get in contact with us today.
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